Individual Music Therapy
Music, sounds, and vibrations have always been immensely healing and transformative energies, touching the body, mind, and soul.
This unique INDIVIDUAL HARMONIZING MUSIC THERAPY will bring you beautiful and profound inner experiences, deep relief from physical and mental tension, overall regeneration, and touches of new inspiration on your life journey. You will fully immerse yourself in the world of gentle music, sounds, and harmonizing healing vibrations created and flowing just for you. You will support beneficial healing processes in your body and mind and may feel the touch of deeper dimensions of your existence.
All this in the unparalleled performance of the world-renowned musician Ivo Sedláček, who will guide you through musical worlds from monumental gongs, cosmic overtone bells, a unique resonance bed, crystal pyramids, handpans, beautiful string instruments to the ethereal tones and melodies of meditational flutes, his unique spherical violin "Andromeda" (the only instrument of its kind in the world), and many other instruments. You can fully open yourself to music whose depth and beauty you may have never experienced before. During the extended form of music therapy, you will also be able to feel the mystical energy of healing and transformative mantras in their true form and power - healing, purifying, energizing, meditative.
Individual music therapy takes place at Jasná 12, Jablonec nad Nisou, Czech Republic
Some reflections from recent participants of individual music therapy:
- "Thank you again for the wonderful experience. I love music, but I have never experienced such freedom and relaxation with music. The vibration of the huge Tibetan bowl carried my worries into space. The gong opened me to the journey through infinite space. With the next flowing music, a wonderful feeling of relaxation, breathing, and traveling through the endless foothills of high mountains ensued. The violin's voice was incredibly beautiful. On the bed, I experienced a sensation of my body dissolving in space - the greatest experience of complete relaxation, feeling only music, as if the body was part of space, without boundaries. Drops of sparkling dew fell above my head on the morning grass."
Ivana Papežová
- "I reached such beautiful dimensions as never before. I did not want to return :) I look forward to coming again soon." - Jana Fajtová
- "It was truly a great experience. The gong and the resonance bed impressed me the most. I felt incredible pleasant vibrations throughout my body, coming from its very center. I liked that it was about different transitions of music, where each musical frequency acts differently - from light relaxation to deep." - Ivanka Tichá The effects of all the sounds and tones still resonate within me. I felt incredible space and often felt that I was in another dimension, or glimpsing into it. It was like a trip to space and deep into the earth, very delicate and sensitive. I realized the tremendous power of sound, felt like a wave permeating everything, and strongly felt the body and all possible corners where there was some tension. During the sound's effect, all these places wonderfully relaxed, then I felt great lightness and joy. And these qualities persist, and it seems to me that all the weight has been released from my entire system. Other words that would still fit the description of this experience are: Spreading, trembling, awe, feelings of trust, and surrendering to what surpasses us..."
Eva Vančurová
- Yesterday I experienced therapy with Mr. Ivo Sedláček... incredible, indescribable... thank you for the beautiful gift."
David Prachař
- "I felt that all my problems and physical and mental tensions were slowly disappearing and dissolving, and I found myself in a beautiful indescribable space that I had never experienced before. The sounds of violins and flutes were like the sounds of angels. I wanted to stay there forever."
Jiří Vacík
- "During the first therapy, I was completely engulfed by the sound of gongs, violins, and flutes, instruments that Mr. Sedláček can play so beautifully. During the second therapy, accompanied by spoken word, I perceived the vibrations of the instruments and words and walked through a dreamy colorful space with an Indian I had seen live in Peru. The sound of all the instruments was captivating, and after the therapy, I realized that my consciousness sometimes stopped perceiving, but the superconsciousness absorbed everything, and my being 'Hanička' is drawing from these feelings and experiences even now. I am going through a difficult period of life, and this therapy helped me immensely. I feel absolutely happy and look forward to new experiences during further music therapy with spoken accompaniment and healing mantras."
Hana Bémová
- "Good morning, Ivo, the echoes were in my body until the evening. It was a strange beautiful feeling of a soft mossy nest somewhere inside me. Vibrations and gentle beautiful trembling accompanied me all the way home. A story that stays in the body forever. Thank you, it was an honor."
Štěpánka Poličová
This harmonizing music therapy can take several forms and can be tailored to your wishes and needs:
1. Basic form of music therapy, where you will pass through many gentle musical worlds - duration approximately 1 hour.
2. Extended form of music therapy aims for even greater depth and intensity - not only through a richer spectrum of musical instruments and flowing music, but also through a guided story created just for you, through which you can travel mysterious landscapes, experience beautiful encounters, including the unique experience and profound transformational effects of ancient mystical mantras in their original form and power. Duration 90 minutes or 120 minutes.
3. Music can be played for you in the form of a beautiful private meditative concert by Ivo Sedláček and his son Pavel Sedláček (world-renowned handpan and other musical instruments player) "Mystical Duet".
We look forward to meeting you and accompanying you on a journey into beautiful musical worlds.
The prices of private sound healing thearapy with Ivo Sedlacek
- 60 minutes: 100 EUR
- 90 minutes: 150 EUR
- 120 minute: 200 EUR
- Private meditation concert Ivo Sedlacek & Pavel Sedlacek ( for 1-10 participants: 400 EUR
The sound healing takes place in Jablonec nad Nisou, Northern Bohemia (Czech Republic), 1 hour from Prague.
You can reserve your session by email or by telephone +420 603 481 984.
Ivo Sedláček's music has long been considered one of the most beautiful and inspiring in its genre. Ivo is a graduate of the Prague Academy of Performing Arts and also completed a five-year postgraduate study of Indian classical music in India. He has performed at concerts, led seminars, and music therapy sessions worldwide and is the author of 30 albums with his original music. He is also one of the most recognized personalities in the field of mantras. Together with his son Pavel, they currently perform in their project "Mystical Duet". Some impressions of listeners from their concerts can be read HERE
- Here you can listen to some of Ivo's musical instruments:
Spherical violin
Meditation flutes
Large concert monochord
Sound Bed LENA
Overtone Bells
and many other beautiful musical instruments